ros1_bridge does not support sensor_msgs/msg/Image
I wanted to transport sensors_msgs/msg/Image from a ros2(eloquent) node to a ros1(melodic) node so I did the following steps in this exact same order
- Installed melodic from debian packages based on this - Installed eloquent from debian packages based on this - After this I have realized that when installing eloquent certain packages were removed from the melodic workspace (e.g gazebo_ros, image_pupline, rqt and a lot of others) ... so I removed melodic and installed it again like in step 1
- After this both workspaces seemed fine to me and I installed ros1_bridge with sudo apt install ros-eloquent-ros1-bridge
- I tried to follow the ros1_bridge tutorials that i found on the linke below. Example1 worked just fine - When trying Example2 it gave me the following error:
failed to create 2to1 bridge for topic '/image' with ROS 2 type 'sensor_msgs/msg/Image' and ROS 1 type '': No template specialization for the pair check the list of supported pairs with the--print-pairs
option - I printed the support pairs which gave the following list.
Supported ROS 2 <=> ROS 1 message type conversion pairs:
- 'builtin_interfaces/msg/Duration' (ROS 2) <=> 'std_msgs/Duration' (ROS 1)
- 'builtin_interfaces/msg/Time' (ROS 2) <=> 'std_msgs/Time' (ROS 1)
- 'diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticArray' (ROS 2) <=> 'diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray' (ROS 1)
- 'diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticStatus' (ROS 2) <=> 'diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus' (ROS 1)
- 'diagnostic_msgs/msg/KeyValue' (ROS 2) <=> 'diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Accel' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Accel' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/AccelStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/AccelStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/AccelWithCovariance' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovariance' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/AccelWithCovarianceStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovarianceStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Inertia' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Inertia' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/InertiaStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/InertiaStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Point' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Point' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Point32' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Point32' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PointStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PointStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Polygon' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Polygon' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PolygonStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Pose' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Pose' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Pose2D' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Pose2D' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseArray' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PoseArray' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovariance' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Quaternion' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Quaternion' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/QuaternionStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Transform' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/Transform' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/TransformStamped' (ROS 2) <=> 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped' (ROS 1)
- 'geometry_msgs/msg/Twist' (ROS 2 ...