Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported - Gazebo 9 [closed]
Hi, I am trying to use a simple urdf file to launch a realsense sensor in Gazebo. It looks something like this:
<gazebo reference="camera_link">
<sensor name="camera" type="depth">
<plugin filename="" name="camera_camera_controller">
and get the following warning: [Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
According to the the SFD specification type depth should be supported. I don't have any problems including other sensor types like 'contact' or 'imu' for example. Also the plugin is not the problem since I run into the same warning, when removing it.
Has anybody run into the same issue or ideas what is wrong here?
Using Gazebo 9.11.0 with ROS Eloquent
Does the depth camera work as expected?
I remember seeing this warning for a long time and multiple sensors but the sensors were simulated properly regardless.
Related issue upstream
You're right, it is properly working. I was too focused on the warn message and didn't check. Thanks a lot!