catkin how to search source install include directory before debian include directory?

asked 2020-01-30 21:51:49 -0600

I have a problem where I want to depend on a newer interface than what is in the debain install. To do this I am building the library I'm depending on (moveit) from source in an upstream workspace. However for some reason catkin/cmake is creating an include list that is always including the debian based includes first. This is from the compile step:

-isystem /home/tyler/workspace/ws_upstream/install/include -I/opt/ros/melodic/include

Here is the documentation from the man page of g++ (-isystem is always searched after -I):

       The lookup order is as follows:
   1.  For the quote form of the include directive, the directory of the current file is searched first.
   2.  For the quote form of the include directive, the directories specified by -iquote options are searched in left-to-right
       order, as they appear on the command line.
   3.  Directories specified with -I options are scanned in left-to-right order.
   4.  Directories specified with -isystem options are scanned in left-to-right order.
   5.  Standard system directories are scanned.
   6.  Directories specified with -idirafter options are scanned in left-to-right order.

How can I instruct catkin/cmake to include my upstream include path first (by changing the -isystem to -I or something similar)?

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