How to modify LIDAR returns
Autoware 1.12.0: I am trying to intercept the raw lidar that comes out of the sensor and modify it. Which file in Autoware recieves the raw LIDAR data from the sensor?
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Autoware 1.12.0: I am trying to intercept the raw lidar that comes out of the sensor and modify it. Which file in Autoware recieves the raw LIDAR data from the sensor?
@avdev Currently the majority of assumes that the lidar being used is a Velodyne lidar. Since this is the case, it would be using the open-source Velodyne ROS driver. The driver reads the raw data as UDP packets from a network interface and translates them first into "scans," then into sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages. After that, you can easily modify the point cloud. If you want the data at a lower level, you'll either have to modify the Velodyne driver or use something like PCAP/WireShark to capture the raw network packets.
Asked: 2020-02-02 08:37:29 -0600
Seen: 232 times
Last updated: Feb 11 '20
Looking for a flow chart (or ROS nodes/topics/messages) of how the Lidar processing works. Where can I find this?