Gazebo does not run complex xacro [closed]

asked 2020-02-04 04:39:09 -0500

Vini71 gravatar image

updated 2020-02-04 04:40:22 -0500

Hi I am having problems to visualize any xacro in model in Gazebo... This problem started after I began to spawn multiple robots on it.... My Gazebo was working well, but now everytime it keeps waiting to spawn a robot model, does not show error msgs, but also does not keep working...sometimes it return the message shutdown timeout or then it displays that spawned the model but the model does not appear on gazebo (pseudo appear). I have tried with numerous kind off differente car models and unfortunately does not work:

image description

and the prius car is there (was spawned but does not appear) and I have already copied the meshes to gazebo's models directory image description and image description

what is wrong?

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Closed for the following reason Question does not follow our guidelines for questions. Please see: for more details. by gvdhoorn
close date 2020-02-04 04:44:42.110775


Please don't post screenshots of terminals.

If you edit your question and replace the screenshots with the actual text, we can re-open.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-02-04 04:44:57 -0500 )edit