Can't find Brown University Nao package
I want to use Nao camera, but can't find Brown University Nao package.
How can I use Nao camera? Please tell me.
Thank you.
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I want to use Nao camera, but can't find Brown University Nao package.
How can I use Nao camera? Please tell me.
Thank you.
Feel free to try out our new wrapper in alufr-ros-pkg ( I think Brown University do no develop software for Nao anymore.
Asked: 2012-05-20 17:47:16 -0600
Seen: 181 times
Last updated: May 23 '12
Dear daniel_maier.
Thank you for your answer.
If possible, please fix camera_info in order to use image_proc.
what exactly is broken? If you leave the resolution at QVGA, everything should work with image_proc. I just added a set_camera_info service, so you can send your own CameraInfo msg to This service is necessary for camera_calibration, I think. There is an example in nao_drivers for how to call the service.
Because camera_info in original program is insufficient, image_proc dosen't publish /imgae_rect_color.