AprilTag detection using ROS
I am a beginner working with Turtlebot 3 and am trying to do the april tag detection using the following tutorial (https://github.com/AprilRobotics/apri...). However, I am having errors (mentioned below) and unable to fix it. Can anyone provide the code that works with turtlebot3 or help resolve this issue? I'd greatly appreciate any help you can provide.
1) catkin_make doesnt compile but catkin_make_isolated does. However, this also has errors (so it might not be compiling it correctly) 2) After everything when i try to run the launch file "continuous_detection.launch" i get an error saying "apriltag_ros_continuous_node" cannot be located. specifically the following. ERROR: cannot launch node of type [apriltag_ros/apriltag_ros_continuous_node]: can't locate node [apriltag_ros_continuous_node] in package [apriltag_ros]
Your help is greatly appreciated.
maybe when source, use devel_isolated