[rviz-3] process has died. [epuck2_robot_0-1] process has died.
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 via WSL, installed ROS Kinetic to work with my E-puck2 robot, I created a catkin_workspace and installed all dependencies, there was no error when I issued catkin_make command, issued roscore command on another terminal and it started roscore service. I sourced my files on another terminal using
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
chmod +x ./src/epuck_driver/scripts/epuck2_driver.py to mark the driver node as executable
roslaunch epuck_driver epuck2_controller.launch epuck2_address:='b4:e6:2d:ed:07:a7'
with MAC address according to my e-puck's, the roslaunch server started, listing a summary of parameters and nodes, but then the rviz process died and epuck's process died too. The E-puck's process keep restarting and dying. Could anyone please help me out?