Trouble Compiling Global Planner Plugin
I am trying to compile a planner for the ROS1 Nav Stack Global Planner on ROS Kinetic/ Ubuntu 16.04. I am getting the following error:
Failed to create the HybridGlobalPlanner planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class HybridGlobalPlanner with base class type nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are global_planner/GlobalPlanner hybrid_astar_global_planner/HybridGlobalPlanner navfn/NavfnROS
I am following the tutorial as outlined in this tutorial
- I have made sure that my class is referencing the Base Global Planner
- I have made sure that the plugin is exported as:
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(global_planner::GlobalPlanner, nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner)
- There is a proper implementation of the makePlan() method
- The CMakeLists is modified as shown
The full repo I am working on is located here. Any insight will be fully appreciated , I am not sure what I am missing here.