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Controller failed with error code PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED.

asked 2020-04-20 03:30:35 -0500

updated 2023-06-15 12:05:30 -0500

Hey, I hope you guys are doing well! I am trying to move my robotic arm in a gazebo simulation environment using ROS framework, but unfortunately getting below error:

[ INFO] [1587368371.019352158, 1094.713000000]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ INFO] [1587368371.031432827, 1094.721000000]: RRTConnect: Created 5 states (2 start + 3 goal)
[ INFO] [1587368371.031485894, 1094.721000000]: Solution found in 0.012215 seconds
[ INFO] [1587368371.048440007, 1094.731000000]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.016895 seconds and changed from 4 to 2 states
[ WARN] [1587368371.197235055, 1094.839000000]: Controller ow5/arm_manipulator_controller failed with error code PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED
[ WARN] [1587368371.197371671, 1094.839000000]: Controller handle ow5/arm_manipulator_controller reports status ABORTED
[ INFO] [1587368371.197427331, 1094.839000000]: Completed trajectory execution with status ABORTED ...
[ INFO] [1587368371.356938233, 1094.938000000]: Received event 'stop'

I am modifying the parameters in controllers.yaml file but nothing seems to work.


  type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
  publish_rate: 50

  type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
    - j1
    - j2
    - j3
    - j4
    - j5
    goal_time: 10.0                     # Override default
    stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.05    # Override default
    j1: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.05}   # Override default
    j2: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.05}   # Override default
    j3: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.05}   # Override default 
    j4: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.05}   # Override default 
    j5: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.05}   # Override default

  stop_trajectory_duration: 0.5         
  state_publish_rate:  50             # Override default
  action_monitor_rate: 30             # Override default
  allow_partial_joints_goal: true     # Override default


class MoveGroupPythonInteface(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MoveGroupPythonInteface, self).__init__()

        # initialize `moveit_commander`_ and a `rospy`_ node:
        joint_state_topic = ['joint_states:=/ow5/joint_states']
        rospy.init_node('move_group_interface', anonymous=True)

        group_name = "arm_manipulator"
        self.move_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name)

    def go_to_home_pose(self):
        # Planning to home position
        joint_goal = self.move_group.get_current_joint_values()
        joint_goal[0] = 1.95118
        joint_goal[1] = 1.11642
        joint_goal[2] = -1.41584
        joint_goal[3] = -0.21243
        joint_goal[4] = 3.13971

        self.move_group.go(joint_goal, wait=True)

    def go_to_joint_state(self, joint_values):
        # We can get the joint values from the group and adjust some of the values
        # Here, joint_values is a map containing robot joint values
        joint_goal = self.move_group.get_current_joint_values()
        joint_goal = list(joint_values)

        self.move_group.go(joint_goal, wait=True)

def main():
        interface = MoveGroupPythonInteface()
        # position A
        interface.go_to_joint_state([-2.81659, 0.28823, -0.87248, -1.00072, -2.67695])
        # position B
        interface.go_to_joint_state([0.32682, -0.42397, 0.90111, 0.30738, 3.00750])
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

if __name__=='__main__':

On running above code, the robot is successfully moving to home position and then going to position B by skipping position A, giving me below messages in the terminal:

[ INFO] [1587368363.488147562, 1089.525000000]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution
[ INFO] [1587368371.356526641, 1094.937000000]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution

I found the above joint values of position A and B by moving the markers in RViz. I am using ros kinetic and gazebo 9. I would really appreciate someone's help/guidance on this as I am not able to figure out the root cause of ... (more)

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Either your controllers are not tuned correctly or your path tolerance is too tight for the velocity limits that you've set. The PATH TOLERANCE VIOLATED is triggered when the controller exceeds the distance to an intermediate waypoint by the amount defined in each of the trajectory constraints (in your case set to 0.1 [radian]). Try temporarily setting those constraints to higher values and check if it still fails. If it doesn't, tune your controller or make your velocity limits match the actual values.

achille gravatar image achille  ( 2020-07-19 16:42:36 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2023-01-25 09:15:32 -0500

Asan A. gravatar image

The error is related control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectory Action, The JointTrajectoryController is set to abort (for PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED, or GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED ) when it does not pass the pre-defined error condition in yaml file (either stopped_velocity_tolerance, trajectory, goal or etc..)

The check happens inside inline bool checkStateTolerancePerJoint(const State& state_error, const StateTolerances<typename state::scalar="">& state_tolerance, bool show_errors = false) function.

The easiest way to understand which exactly parameter leads to a problem and not try to tune them blindly is to download joint_trajectory_controller and pass inside your workspace. Change to an argument of the checkStateTolerancePerJoint function to show_errors = true in order to print the cases when the ActionController is failed.

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I tried it but it did not printed anything for me. I get the same outputs in the terminal as before (with the same error msg).

[ WARN] [1675007965.399345611, 95.716000000]: Controller '/arm_controller' failed with error GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED: joint2 goal error 0.000052
[ WARN] [1675007965.399419954, 95.716000000]: Controller handle /arm_controller reports status ABORTED
[ERROR] [1675007965.427407463, 95.735000000]: Invalid Trajectory: start point deviates from current robot state more than 0.2 joint 'joint2': expected: -3.79989e-05, current: -0.64681
aarsh_t gravatar image aarsh_t  ( 2023-01-29 10:59:26 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-20 03:30:35 -0500

Seen: 1,977 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '23