Inbound TCP/IP connection failed:

asked 2020-05-14 15:35:07 -0600

yabdulra gravatar image

I'm running ROS kinetic on Ubuntu16.04, have a physical epuck_2 robot I'm working with, and installed it's python driver on my catkin_ws. I wrote a simple Publisher/Subscriber that'll publish velocity command on the /mobile_base/cmd_vel topic to move the robot. the script run without error but the robot move a few millimeters and stop, then this warning appear.

[WARN] [1589484601.118036]: Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: connection from sender terminated before handshake header received. 0 bytes were received. Please check sender for additional details.

I tried publishing directly on the topic using rostopic pub -1 /mobile_base/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[4.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]' and the robot still doesn't move. I search and see similar problems here but got no answer. Does anyone know what could probably be the issue and how to go about fixing it?

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