Sourcing in ZSH fails with parse error: condition expected: 0

asked 2020-06-02 22:28:12 -0500

trusktr gravatar image

updated 2020-06-06 20:54:15 -0500

I'm in ZSH in Manjaro Linux, and I'm new to ROS. I tried sourcing but it results in an error:

❯ source /opt/ros/melodic/
/opt/ros/melodic/ too many arguments
/opt/ros/melodic/ parse error: condition expected: 0

Any ideas? What info can I provide to get better help?

EDIT, same thing if I source the zsh file:

❯ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.zsh
/opt/ros/melodic/ too many arguments
/opt/ros/melodic/ parse error: condition expected: 0
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source setup.zsh

tianb03 gravatar image tianb03  ( 2020-06-03 03:29:01 -0500 )edit

@tianb03 same issue when sourcing the zsh file (edited OP)

trusktr gravatar image trusktr  ( 2020-06-03 04:10:49 -0500 )edit