Newest version of orocos kdl
Hi everyone I tried to use the inverse dynamics solver for trees (documentation) from the kinematis and dynamics library (kdl). I have installed the newest version of kdl with :
sudo apt install ros-melodic-orocos-kdl
So it should be the newest version (1.4.0-0bionic.20200303.062327).
But when i looked at the folder in /opt/ros/melodic/include/kdl there was no treeidsolver_recursive_newton_euler.hpp file, although according to the above mentioned documentation and this github repository it should be there. I managed to do a workaround by simply copying the necessary files into the folder manually and adapting some others so they are compatible and it somehow works. But i guess this is a horrible way to do it and i am not sure if it is not going to break down when i try different stuff.
Can anyone tell me how i would do this the "right" way?
I also tried to create an account on the orocos webpage but when i responded to the invitation email like required i got an "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender". Is this website and the orocos project even running anymore?
(i am using ubuntu 18.04 and ros melodic)