this is client
#! /usr/bin/env python
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('beginner_tutorials')
from beginner_tutorials.srv import *
import rospy
import sys
from beginner_tutorials.srv import xin2
import beginner_tutorials.msg
def callserver2(aa,bb):
pse = rospy.ServiceProxy('girl',xin2)
reqMsg = beginner_tutorials.msg.xin2(aa,bb)
resp2 = pse(reqMsg)
return resp2
except rospy.ServiceException ,e:
print "failed to send "
if __name__=='__main__':
aa = "PSD has closed"
bb = "routine is ok"
res = callserver2(aa,bb)
print res
print res.out.dd
print "train number is :%s"
this is server
#! /usr/bin/env python
import roslib;roslib.load_manifest('beginner_tutorials')
import sys
import rospy
from beginner_tutorials.srv import *
import beginner_tutorials.msg
def processReq2(req):
print "req :train\'speed is %s km/h, train\'local is %s"%(req.in_.aa,
print req
respMsg = beginner_tutorials.msg.xin2_2(cc,dd,ee)
return xin2Response(respMsg)
except :
print "ATO failed to send back "
def Server(cc,dd,ee):
s= rospy.Service('girl',xin2, processReq2)
print "readying "
if __name__=='__main__':
cc = "train door : closed"
dd = "operation model : AM"
ee = 801
beginner_tutorials/xin2 in
beginner_tutorials/xin2_2 out
xin2.msg ## :
string aa
string bb
string cc
string dd
int16 ee
i have no idea about the typesetting,i just copy the code from my file
You say something went wrong. What did you expect? What happened instead?
1st: I copy the code from my file,why it is shambles? what is karma? 2nd : I have 2 requsts and 2 response ,how to realise it ? 3rd: i have run files in the terminal, but there are something wrong.all the code , msg and srv are above.
For literal code to display correctly, this forum requires you to add four spaces in front of each line. I fixed it for you once already. I am not going to do that again.
You still have not told us what you expect this code to do.
ok,i have solved this peoblem.thank you! in this file, msg is called in the srv; called xin2.msg in the req of xin2.srv, and called xin2_2.msg in the resp of xin2.srv.thus,i can realise two values in the req and two values in the resp.