Getting Arducam Global Shutter Camera to Work w/ROS

asked 2020-06-22 01:31:49 -0500

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So, I was wanting to preform Visual Inertial Navigation using the OpenVINS library on an RPI-3B+ running Ubuntu 16.04 and using ROS kinetic. I realised that in order to acheive optimal results, I needed a camera which had global shutter instead of rolling shutter. Which my rpi v1 camera could not do. Since I wanted a relativley cheap monochrome camera (<40$), this lead me to the Arducam Global Shutter Camera, which seemed like a nice fit, so I went along and bought it.

Unfortunatly, when I look at the github for this camera, it does not seem to be interfacing with ros, and more just standard python script. And since im not one for making ROS wrappers unless I have to, I was wondering if there was any way to use this camera and implement it into publishing its data onto ROS topics. It specifically said it was not compatible with normal rpi libraries, so that throws most hope out...

But, on another library for a different product made by the same manufacturer, a USB Camera Hat for the pi, they mentioned support for this camera and then linked it to a ROS compatible library. Now, while I do not want to buy a seperate hat just to access ROS, this leads me to beleive it is compatible without the hat entirley. So, I was wondering if there are existing libraries for this, and ive been searching in the wrong place, or if I have to make my own, and how I could do that. Or maybe its just not possible without the hat, then do link me to a better global shutter monochrome camera I could use for my application.

In any case, thank you for reading, and all input is appreciated. =)

EDIT: I have found a library for this camera yet it is intended for another product made by this manufacturer but it is closer in structure to what I am looking for. It was made as a ros wrapper for a stereo hat on the rpi, not a USB hat, so we got that going for us. There are signifigantly less files in the library so it should be easier to just cut the stereo part out. Only problem is im not really a ROS programmer and cant utilize this, maybe one of you guys could, but I understand how asking some random strangers to do something for you on the internet is a bit hopefull, but it is an update none-the-less.

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