Not able to add multiply collision objects in Moveit Rviz
I would like to add multiply collision objects in Moveit Rviz. I detected the objects (chairs) with darknet_ros and able to get the bounding box of the objects (chairs). When trying to add them as collision objects in Moveit it only able to add one, but I have detected two chairs and want to add two collision objects in the scene. In Rviz Im able to add and visualize only one, but in the terminal output there are two.
Here the code
using namespace sensor_msgs;
using namespace std;
void chatterCallback(const darknet_ros_3d_msgs::BoundingBoxes3d::ConstPtr& msg)
cout<<"Entering call back function" <<endl;
int person_count=0;
int inc = 1;
while (msg->bounding_boxes[0].Class == "chair")
for(int count=0; count <= chair_count; count++)
const std::string PLANNING_GROUP = "crane_control";
moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface move_group(PLANNING_GROUP);
moveit::planning_interface::PlanningSceneInterface planning_scene_interface;
string str= to_string(count);
moveit_msgs::CollisionObject collision_object;
collision_object.header.frame_id = "world"; = "BOX_chair__" + str;
cout<<"Chair:" << <<endl;
shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive primitive;
primitive.type = primitive.BOX;
std::vector<float> array_xdim(inc);
std::vector<float> array_ydim(inc);
std::vector<float> array_zdim(inc);
array_xdim[inc] = msg->bounding_boxes[0].xmax - msg->bounding_boxes[0].xmin;
array_ydim[inc] = msg->bounding_boxes[0].ymax - msg->bounding_boxes[0].ymin;
array_zdim[inc] = msg->bounding_boxes[0].zmax - msg->bounding_boxes[0].zmin;
cout<<"dimx:" << array_xdim[inc] <<endl;
cout<<"dimy:" << array_ydim[inc] <<endl;
cout<<"dimz:" << array_zdim[inc] <<endl;
primitive.dimensions[0] = array_xdim[inc];
primitive.dimensions[1] = array_ydim[inc];
primitive.dimensions[2] = array_zdim[inc];
geometry_msgs::Pose box_pose;
std::vector<float> array_xpos(inc);
std::vector<float> array_ypos(inc);
std::vector<float> array_zpos(inc);
array_xpos[inc] = (msg->bounding_boxes[0].xmax + msg->bounding_boxes[0].xmin)/2;
array_ypos[inc] = (msg->bounding_boxes[0].ymax + msg->bounding_boxes[0].ymin)/2;
array_zpos[inc] = (msg->bounding_boxes[0].zmax + msg->bounding_boxes[0].zmin)/2;
box_pose.position.x = array_xpos[inc];
box_pose.position.y = array_ypos[inc];
box_pose.position.z = array_zpos[inc];
box_pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
cout<<"position_x:" << box_pose.position.x <<endl;
cout<<"position_y:" << box_pose.position.y <<endl;
cout<<"position_z:" << box_pose.position.z <<endl;
collision_object.operation = collision_object.ADD;
std::vector<moveit_msgs::CollisionObject> collision_vector;
cout<<"Chair count" << chair_count <<endl;
cout<<"Exiting call back function" <<endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "cpp_subscriber");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("/darknet_ros_3d/bounding_boxes", 200, chatterCallback);
return 0;
Here the Rviz image
Any help? Thanks
This appears to be a cross-post of both ros-planning/moveit_tutorials#522 as well as ros-planning/moveit#2290.
Please do not cross-post.
ok. There I was suggested to post the topic here. Any help?
Yes, but after you cross-posted.
I'll re-open, now that you're cross-posts to
have been closed.Please note that "officially", you also should not post screenshots of terminals. That's against the support guidelines. Seeing how long you've been on this board, I would've expected you to know this.
ok. in ros planning was only about the comment I asked as count find the tab. Can someone please help here? Ok I didnt post here for a while and really forgot about this . Will delete the screenshot