Error connecting to websocket server

asked 2020-09-03 02:12:57 -0600

Ivan4815162342 gravatar image


I want to use voice commands to control my robot. I found this speech_commands repository from UbiquityRobotics. I followed all installation and startup instructions. To check, I launch gazebo simulation. And when I load speechcommands.html in my Chrome browser and put wss://localhost:9090 in the RobotURL field, I get this error

Error connecting to websocket server. [object Event]

I have also tried ws, http and https protocols but got the same error. Finally I tried to connect to the server from a remote PC replacing localhost by ip address of PC I am running gazebo, but the problem still exists.

So I have two questions:

1) Does anyone work with this speech_commands service and know how to set it up correctly?

2) Are there other services with the same functionality and easy to configure?

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