rosbag record isn't recording everything being published on topic
I am trying to record one topic in a rosbag using rosbag record, however I can see using rostopic echo /topic that my simulation is publishing on the topic correctly.
When I look in the rosbag using rqt_bag file.bag I can see that it has missed a lot of the data that it was supposed to record.
I already looked at a previous users post regarding a similar problem where they change /use_sim_time from true to false, however that hasn't resolved my problem. I also tried to increase the rosbag buffer size, which also doesn't work.
Appreciate any help or suggestions.
@sbrentphysics Have you tried
rosbag record -a
to record all available topics? Everytimerosbag record
is called, the program prints the set of topics that it is reading and storing, maybe you wrote a bad name or forgot a namespace.yes, I have tried that, it's still not recording all the messages that its receiving. I am able to see the topics are being published but the bag is only recording them partially.
Have you tried
rosbag record --buffsize=0
for buffering up messages?