<nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory> segmentation fault nao [closed]
Hi, I'm trying to subscribe and publish nao's left or right arm, to move them. In my program in c++ I can move the head and walk with choregraphe, so I'm doing well the publish and subscribe messages with them, but I don't know ho to publish and subscribe with <nao_msgs::jointangletrajectory>. I have more or less the next code:
//Movimientos de brazo izquierdo
nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory leftArmSubspublico;
//Método para coger del subscriber los valores del brazo izquierdo
void leftArmSubscriber(const boost::shared_ptr<nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory const>& msg)
nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory leftArmSubs;
leftArmSubs.joint_names = msg->joint_names;
leftArmSubs.joint_angles = msg->joint_angles;
leftArmSubs.times = msg->times;
leftArmSubspublico = leftArmSubs;
//Estado actual brazoIzquierdo
nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory estadoActualLeftArm;
......................... more code .........................
//Para advertir a ros que vamos a publicar en el topic para mover el brazo izquierdo
ros::Publisher leftArm_pub = n.advertise<nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory>("joint_angle_trajectory",1000);
//Para subscribirnos al brazo izquierdo del robot
ros::Subscriber leftArm_sub = n.subscribe<nao_msgs::JointAngleTrajectory>("joint_angle_trajectory", 1000, leftArmSubscriber);
string nombreJunta = leftArmSubspublico.joint_names[0];
cout<< nombreJunta;
When I comment the last line and I do rosmake, the program is built properly, and I can move nao's legs and head. But when I have the last line uncomment I do rosmake, I get: segmentation fault
I think I don't know how to acces to the information properly.
Thank you!