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robotic simulation not working

asked 2020-09-21 07:00:26 -0500

venkatesh gravatar image

I learned basic concepts through ros noetic, but while looking for simulated robots I could not find any robots for noetic. so I installed ubantu 16.04 and kinetic but the os is not working good(shown errors during installation) and gazebo not working good . Do I need to install ubantu 18.04 and melodic now for simulations? can I practice simulated robots in ros2 please help.

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answered 2020-09-21 07:17:18 -0500

Weasfas gravatar image

Hi @venkatesh,

Ideally what you want to use is a LTS (Long Term Support) distribution with stable environment. You can use ROS2 but it is a work in progress and some things may not be too stable. For this reason I would recommend you to use the latest distribution of ROS1 like Melodic (with Ubuntu 18.04) or Noetic (with Ubuntu 20.04). When working with a simulated environment you can find plenty of possibilities but for ROS in particular you can check Gazebo that is already installed with the desktop installation of ROS and is very complete and compatible with the framework.

On the other hand, I cannot ensure the retrocompatibility of older robot models with the new distribution but generally speaking, since they are build with the standard, URDF, you should be able to use them with Xacro in new distributions without problems. Depending on the type of robot you want to simulate you can generate your own description, based on the already made descriptions or use one available form official and github repositories. Like amr_urdf or the description from turtlebot.

Hope this help you.


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Asked: 2020-09-21 07:00:26 -0500

Seen: 166 times

Last updated: Sep 21 '20