ROS remote master: can see topics but no data
Hello guys
I have already read through several threads like this but couldn't figure out what my issue is..
I have a robot and a remote PC. I want to visualize the lidar data of the robot in rviz on my remote PC. Now my problem is that I can see with 'rostopic list' the topic /scan but when I try 'rostopic echo /scan' on my remote PC nothing is published. When I try 'rostopic echo /scan' on the robot I can see the data - so it definetly should work!
When I tried roswtf it tells me: ERROR Could not contact the following nodes: * /hlds_laser_publisher
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: * /hlds_laser_publisher->/rviz_1602065662574712563 (/scan) * /hlds_laser_publisher->/rosout (/rosout)
ERROR Errors connecting to the following services: * service [/hlds_laser_publisher/get_loggers] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/hlds_laser_publisher/get_loggers], address [rosrpc://robot:53743] * service [/hlds_laser_publisher/set_logger_level] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/hlds_laser_publisher/set_logger_level], address [rosrpc://robot:53743]
Both are connected to the same network and can ping each other. Master is my remote PC -> bashrc network configuration is like the following:
remotePC: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://remotePC:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=remotePC
robot: export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://remotePC:11311 export ROS_HOSTNAME=robot
I have added the IPs of robot and remotePCo /etc/hosts
I hope somebody can help me with this network configuration issue..
checking here (, at the end) Seems like could be that you forgot to define ROS_IP
You can define ROS_IP either with export ROS_IP or with export ROS_HOSTNAME