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Is it possible to get the frequency a specific node publishes to a topic?

asked 2020-10-13 00:14:49 -0500

Rufus gravatar image

I know rostopic hz /topic gives the total frequency, but can I get the frequency a particular node publishes to a topic?

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Look into the topic statistics functionality. But note it does have its disadvantages / inaccuracies.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-10-13 04:04:28 -0500 )edit

what disadvantages the topic statistics have exactly?

runtao gravatar image runtao  ( 2020-10-15 05:35:13 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-10-13 04:03:02 -0500

Rayman gravatar image

Not ideal, but you could replace that single publisher with a DiagnosedPublisher which publishes some statistics on a separate topic.

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Asked: 2020-10-13 00:14:49 -0500

Seen: 280 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '20