Raspberry Pi 3 A+ is powerful enough to run ROS with MAVROS?

asked 2020-10-17 04:54:38 -0500

Broodie gravatar image

Hello Together,

I haven't find any info on the internet about that whether the RPi 3 A+ is powerful enough for running some ROS nodes or not. Currently I'm using RPi 3B. It's on a 149mm wheelbase 3inch drone so the weight and size of companion computer would be important for me. The RPi 3B has weaker CPU than 3A+ but the RAM on 3A+ is only half (512MB) of the 3B (1024MB). The CPU is important that I know but I don't know whether the 512 RAM is enough for Ubuntu20.04 with ROS Noetic. I would like to go with the newest distros. My plan is an AGV drone only for indoor flights. On the RPi the following nodes will run: - Aruco_gridboard: https://github.com/anbello/aruco_grid... - MAVROS: http://wiki.ros.org/mavros - Raspicam: https://github.com/UbiquityRobotics/r... RVIZ, GCS will run on my laptop. Thank your for your help in advance.

Best regards, Peter B.

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