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DWAPlanner fails to get path with multiple errors

asked 2020-10-20 07:22:50 -0500

Zimba96 gravatar image

I'm using move base flex inside a SMACH on ROS Melodic and trying to call the exepath-Action. The corresponding yaml-Config-file in which the DWAPlanner is configured looks as follows:

  - name: 'GlobalPlanner'
    type: 'global_planner/GlobalPlanner'

  - name: 'DWAPlannerROS'
    type: 'dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS'

  #basic parameters
  default_tolerance: 3.0  #default is 0.0
  use_dijkstra: true  #default is true
  old_navfn_behavior: false  #default is false
  use_quadratic: true  #default is true
  use_grid_path: false  #default is false
  allow_unknown: true  #default is true
  lethal_cost: 253  #default is 253
  neutral_cost: 50  #default is 50
  cost_factor: 3  #default is 3

  #debug parameters
  publish_potential: True

  max_vel_x: 3.7
  max_vel_y: 0.0
  min_vel_y: 0.0
  max_vel_trans: 3.7 
  min_vel_trans: 0.0
  max_vel_theta: 2.09 
  min_vel_theta: 0

  acc_lim_x: 2.47 
  acc_lim_y: 0
  acc_lim_theta: 4.18 

  sim_time: 2.0
  vx_samples: 3
  vy_samples: 0
  vth_samples: 20

  holonomic_robot: false 

  controller_frequency: 5.0

Running my SMACH, the move base flex-terminal gives the following output:

[DEBUG] [1603196219.906335542]: The action server has received a new goal request
[DEBUG] [1603196219.909174988]: Accepting goal, id: /state_machine-3-1601546320.253, stamp: 1601546320.25
[DEBUG] [1603196219.909294790]: Getting status over the wire.
[ INFO] [1603196219.910956743]: Got new plan
[DEBUG] [1603196220.022354264]: Getting status over the wire.
[DEBUG] [1603196220.028657816]: Getting status over the wire.
[DEBUG] [1603196220.038405957]: Getting status over the wire.
[ WARN] [1603196220.065891287]: Map update loop missed its desired rate of 10.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.2353 seconds
[ERROR] [1603196220.078004954]: None of the 409 first of 409 (409) points of the global plan were in the local costmap and free
[ WARN] [1603196220.206477214]: Map update loop missed its desired rate of 10.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.1082 seconds
[DEBUG] [1603196220.222368827]: Getting status over the wire.
[DEBUG] [1603196220.228655057]: Getting status over the wire.
[DEBUG] [1603196220.238416383]: Getting status over the wire.
[ WARN] [1603196220.266667792]: DWA planner failed to produce path.
[ WARN] [1603196220.266838287]: Calculation needs too much time to stay in the moving frequency! (0.355895 > 0.050000)
[ WARN] [1603196220.266875224]: No velocity command received from controller! Controller failed

When I ran the same params on normal move base with DWAPlanner as local planner, it worked fine. Furthermore, the global path is visualized in rviz and it is inside the free area of the local map. Any ideas on what could be the issue?

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-10-26 10:57:17 -0500

Zimba96 gravatar image

Turned out that reducing the local costmap size solved the

None of the 409 first of 409 (409) points of the global plan were in the local costmap and free-Issue.

I moved the issue with "DWA planner failed to produce path." to a new thread with screenshots and more information about the used params.

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Asked: 2020-10-20 07:22:50 -0500

Seen: 726 times

Last updated: Oct 26 '20