[ROS2] Intra-process communication and QoS
Hi, using Eloquent I wanted to test intra-process communication with manual composition but I bumped into a wall really difficult to overcome.
Intra-process communication requires that ALL publishers and subscribers use "volatile" as "reliability" configuration for QoS, I guess this is coherent.
My problem is that my node has a static TF publisher member that instantiates its internal publisher with "transient_local" setting, also this is coherent.
Is there a smart way to overcome this conflict?
Thank you, Walter
I am having the exact same issue: a node with all publisher set to durability volatile BUT tf_static, which prevents me from start the node with use_intra_process_comms to True (independently from the RMW used). Did you fin a solution @Myzhar ?
Not yet :(
Hi, please don't post follow ups as answers.
Does this process only have one node in it?