How to implement avoid obstacle with open_planner in Autoware?
Hi, I used Autoware 1.12.0 in Ubuntu 16.04
I want to avoid obstacle with open planner. Now, I used these below nodes.
- lidar_euclidean_cluster_detect
- lidar_kf_contour_track
- op_global_planner
- op_common_params
- op_trajectory_generator
- op_trajectory_evaluator
- op_behavior_selector
- pure_pursuit
- twist_filter
I have vector_map, /current_pose, /points_raw already. That's why I didn't use the ndt_matching node.
How to avoid obstacle with those nodes?
This is rviz of current situation. There's no 'red' path..
please answer on this question. Thank you!
@Hatem Would you be able to answer this question?
sure, thanks.
Thank you!
I enabled the same nodes as you mentioned, but I can't see the bunch of green lines before the car. Could you tell me how to turn them on? Thank you.
So what do you see in rviz now? Can you see everything except the green line? ex) vectormap_center_lines etc.
Please check the image.
I placed an obstacle before my car and wanted to overtake it, but my car just stopped then.I think these green lines(maybe called roll out trajectory) are big deal.
I think that green line doesn't appear seems to be the 'local planner' not working properly. Please check below nodes. op_common_params, op_trajectory_generator, op_trajectory_evaluator, op_behavior_selector. In op_common_params(config), please check 'roll_out_num'. I set that 8.
@wangludong after checking your setting for rollout num, check your op_trajectory_generator node. after that check the rviz and turn off and on the rollout feature once. sometimes it can be the issue.