what is my next step (rviz and models) [closed]
I had posted a question that my rviz is not displaying any models properly (specially rrbot), and also not displaying axes for all links. But it has been closed vide https://answers.ros.org/question/3653....
I am sure it has been done for a good reason. Probably for the reason that I have not searched enough. But believe me I searched a lot. So, now I do not know what to do and whom to ask for help. I have searched and searched for questions related to rviz but I cannot find answer to my question. I know the moderators are already doing lot of work by guiding and helping us.
But I wish that when they close the question, they should also refer to the solution. Can anyone please point me to the solution of my problem. Details of my question are in 365386.
Please provide description to your question again here. Seems like your previous query has been wiped out. I cant access it.
I closed it as you posted it twice.
Here is the one that is still open: #q365383.
As this is essentially another duplicate. I'll close it as well.
gvdhoon, Thank you very much for explaining the reason. I am sorry if I posted duplicate.
zain mehdi I am giving my pblm in comments, here, because you said, you cannot access it. subject: rviz cannot display rrbot properly.
I am using unbuntu 18.04 and installed melodic ros distrubition (1.14.9). I have installed catkin tools and use "catkin build" to build my packages.I tried to display rrbot in rviz but it does not display properly. Here are the steps I followed using this tutorial "http://gazebosim.org/tutorials/?tut=r..." a. git cloned rrbot package in ~/catkin_ws/src folder $ git clone https://github.com/ros-simulation/gaz... b. Built the package $ catkin build ( All the packages (contained in gazebo_ros_demos) were built without errors). c. I launched the rrbot $ source ~/.bashrc (for setup.bash) $ roslaunch rrbot_description rrbot_rviz.launch
It does not display rrbot model in rviz. only a whitish line appear. My problem is how to display it in rviz and how to move ...(more)
Nothing was 'wiped out'. It's all there in #q365383.