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Visualizing my own path planner?

asked 2012-06-19 23:02:41 -0500

nikhilsv92 gravatar image

updated 2012-06-19 23:04:28 -0500

Hi, I have written an Hybrid A* algorithm in C++. I wish to visualize my algorithm on ROS. Can someone please tell what are the steps to be followed to do this....

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-06-19 23:38:26 -0500

dornhege gravatar image

Publish your plans as a nav_msgs/Path message. rviz can directly display that using a plugin.

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Asked: 2012-06-19 23:02:41 -0500

Seen: 361 times

Last updated: Jun 19 '12