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Segmentation Fault (“Core dumped”) stopped my python script

asked 2021-01-08 14:52:19 -0500

Qilos gravatar image


im currently trying to train a robot to navigate with deep reinforcement learning and wrote a python script that implements this. Today i started training and after about 250 episodes the script suddenly stopped and there was just this error message:

Segmentation Fault (“Core dumped”)

How does this error occur and how can i fix it and stop it from happening?

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Can you please update your question with a copy and paste of your code? It's difficult to help without it

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2021-01-08 19:30:17 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2021-01-08 15:40:26 -0500

The first thing you are going to need to do is to figure out how to reproduce this behavior in a much simpler environment. Then once you do that you'll need to run using some sort of debugger. Did your logs save what binary had this issue?

Here is the Wikipedia on what that error means:

Is there a chance you had core files turned on and now have a core file? If so you could start debugging with that. You can start gdb with a core file.

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Asked: 2021-01-08 14:52:19 -0500

Seen: 760 times

Last updated: Jan 08 '21