Autocompletion for ros2 topic pub and ros2 service call does not work
Autocompletion for ros2 topic pub and ros2 service call (and presumably ros2 action send_goal also) does not work properly.
$ ros2 topic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel [tab] -> linear:\^J\ \ x:\ 0.0\^J\ \ y:\ 0.0\^J\ \ z:\ 0.0\^Jangular:\^J\ \ x:\ 0.0\^J\ \ y:\ 0.0\^J\ \ z:\ 0.0\
$ ros2 service call /turtle1/set_pen turtlesim/srv/SetPen [tab] -> r:\ 0\^Jg:\ 0\^Jb:\ 0\^Jwidth:\ 0\^J\'off\':\ 0\
Ah, yes. I too am quite annoyed by this. If you're wanting to know how to type this, it would be like this:
ros2 topic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}"
As for why this doesn't happen when you tab complete, however, that's likely quite a bit more involved.
Is this fixed? Because I'm currently struggling with this problem. Pretty annoying to manually try to perform the call with correct syntax.
It seems to work when you have typed the first quation mark " and at least the first letter of the first field. Instead of doing this as in the original problem:
Do this:
It should now show the message in this format:
Notice, that there is not starting { and ending } wave brackets, at least it works without those