Use RVIZ data in realtime

asked 2021-02-09 06:15:56 -0600

Tricia279 gravatar image

Hi all,

my RPLidar A1 runs and I can see the 2D informations in red spots on the grid.

My questions are: I have other device, which need this realtime data to do their movements. How to get these data ? Which kind of commands are existing for linux to get them ?

AND I have ROS RVIZ version 1.13.15 melodic: Is there a new user guide existing ? This link is old:

I appreciate your help.

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If you can see the data in rviz then you just need a subscriber to the topic that you are displaying in Rviz (/scan probably ?). Can you clarify your question about the "other device" ?

Delb gravatar image Delb  ( 2021-02-09 07:12:05 -0600 )edit