How to correct ORBSLAM2 scale drift, using mono or stereo camera.
Hi everyone, i have a problem. I need to implement and tune ORBSLAM2, in ROS. I can do it, with mono and stereo camera, The problem is that if i try to plot the trajectories, especially in mono case, there is a scale drift. i have been reading a lot of documents about that but i know now that is a not solved problem in the entire community or there are studies at reserch level. i tried many ways but none of them worked. My question is: what easy task or tasks can i achieve, to run parallel tasks to ORBSLAM2? and how? And then: if i would like to write an ekf or a filter to fuse for example laser data to orbslam to adjust scale drift, in which way can i do that? which data i need and how can i use them simultaneously using multiple subscribers? thanks in advance!
From the github:
So right off the box, monocular cannot return you true scale, and the scale will drift. I would suggest using stereo (you said its an option) and you should automatically get a metric reconstruction with essentially no scale drift.
Thank you @JackB, i know but i need to find a way to get at least the scale in mono case (which is different at every initialization). I read something about the robot_localization package which integrates ekf and ukf to fuse sensor data from laser/imu/odometry and others but i don't know how to use that. So i tried to create myself a simple ROS NODE in PYTHON without success unfortunately, because i have not really understood how to adjust orbslam with other data. There are a few problems, in fact, because for example i can't subscribe to multiple topics and simulteneously manipulate them. Im following this task for enough time and i can't really find a way because i read a lot of papers but none show me the way and possible solutions. I need this for an exam at university but I didnt know ...(more)