ROS Windows Installation Failed can't source
I'm trying to install Windows following the instructions here:
The chocolatey logs said that installation was successful. However, when I try to source the setup files using source c:/opt/ros/noetic/x64/setup.bat
I get a bunch of syntax errors. I haven't touched these files at all since installation. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling with the same result. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
I've tried and but they seem to be addressing different problems and didn't work for me.
Here's what prints out when I run source c:/opt/ros/noetic/x64/setup.bat
$ source c:/opt/ros/noetic/x64/setup.bat
bash: ::: command not found
bash: @Echo: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: call:_colcon_prefix_chain_bat_call_script: command not found
bash: goto:eof: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: ::: command not found
bash: :_colcon_prefix_chain_bat_call_script: command not found
bash: c:/opt/ros/noetic/x64/setup.bat: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token ``('
bash: c:/opt/ros/noetic/x64/setup.bat: line 17: `` if exist "%~1" (''