How to input gazebo camera feed into opencv python?
I followed this ( to simulate iris quadcopter and give it commands using dronekit on python. I use 'cap = cv2.VideoCaptue(0)' to input my video feed onto python.
How do I take the simulated camera's feed on the iris quadcopter and give it to opencv?
My end goal is to test my code in an simulated environment.
Hey, were u able to solve this?? I am stuck in this problem, too! I have the ardupilot gazebo package and only the model.sdf file for the IRIS 3DR drone in my Ubuntu 16 ros kinetic with gazebo 9. Also, I tried getting the feed from the gazebo's topic visualization, but i don't think that's very useful for opencv processing. I added the plugin of the camera, but that only gives me errors. So, if u found the solution, please do share. Thanks!