Pybind11 require Eigen >= 3.2.7 in python_orocos_kdl
I am buidling catkin workspace Jessie on Raspberry Pi following this instruction [
However, I encounter error with python_orocos_kdl package which is
error: static assertion fail : Eigen support in pybind11 requires Eigen >= 3.2.7
Since the latest version of libeigen3-dev of Jessie Debian is 3.2.2-3 [
My commands have been used:
$ cd ros_catkin_ws
$ roslocate info python_orocos_kdl --distro=kinetic >> kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
$ wstool init -j4 src kinetic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
$./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /opt/ros/kinetic -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Are there any ways to skip the eigen test since the error is only for compiling test cases; the pybind11 is still work.
Thanks in advance.