gmapping without robot_pose_ekf [closed]
Hi all,
I tried running pr2 in gazebo (pr2.launch), but removing the robot_pose_ekf in "pr2_bringup.launch" plus setting the parameter "odom_frame" to "odom" (changing from odom_combined to odom) for slam_gmapping node. Also, to get the tfs from odometry I changed "publish_tf" to true in pr2_odometry.yaml (in /pr2_simulator/pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo/pr2_odometry.yaml). Actually I am changing a custom launch files not the originals.
When I visualize it in rviz, using both the fixed frame and target frame set to /odom I see the pr2 is kind of blinking (Robot Model status changing back and forth between OK and Error).
Also, in the Map field I get a status error saying that "No transform from [map] to [/odom]". Thus, the map is not aligned in the display.
What is happening here? By the way I am running ros-electric in ubuntu 11.04.
Thank you in advance