Help on amcl usage and .yaml files
Hi folks,
I'm trying to build a map in the Stage environment using gmapping and posteriorly serving this map with map_server and using amcl to give the estimated position of the robot on the map.
I have already successfully build the map, and save it to a file (mymap.yaml and mymap.pgm) . I tried to get the estimated robot position by echoing topic /amcl_pose, but the pose I got was very different from the one in Stage, so I tried playing with origin and resolution parameters in the .yaml file.
But I'm in doubt about what would be the best way to correct the position given by /amcl_pose topic, and how to adjust origin and resolution parameters for that. It seems I'm not understanding correctly something very basic about the metrics of the map, can someone help me with that?
Thank you in advance, lgb.
you can set your position on the map by programatically ( publishing /initialpose topic in your node ) or by using rviz 2D pose estimate then send simple nav goals check out for detailed information on amcl 's wiki page. Then you may localize yourself by using amcl