Time Synchronizer with more than 9 incoming channels
I need to synchronize 32 image topics, which then trigger one common callback function. Unfortunately message_filters::TimeSynchronizer only supports up to 9 topics, and so does message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime. I found a note to a DynamicTimeSynchronizer in the source code, but apparently it's not implemented yet. Is there an easy solution / workaround?
Cheers, Andreas
Btw: Is there a reason why the number of topics is hard coded?
The reason why it is hard-coded is that the time synchronizer works on topics with different type, i.e. it needs to be templated on all types. Since C++ didn't support variadic templates before C++11, hard-coding was the only possibility.
Hi, I was just wondering if it is a good idea to divide the problem in 2 steps. i.e first synchronize 8 images and make them a new custom topic lets say "Image8" and publish it. That way the Image set of 32 is divided in to 4 sets. and then we can synchronize the 4 "Image8" topics aftwards.