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Navigation Recovery Behaviors Criteria

asked 2012-06-29 00:54:18 -0500

updated 2012-06-29 03:42:15 -0500

Lorenz gravatar image

In this page it is explained how the recovery behaviors are activated.

I would like to know which are the criteria that activate any of the recovery behaviors included in the recovery_behaviors.yaml file?

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-06-29 01:44:37 -0500

KruseT gravatar image

These recovery behaviors are activated whenever the move_base node decides that the robot is stuck. It is a good exercise to read the code for this, as any documentation (like this answer) can get outdated.

In this case you need to check the file: navigation/move_base/src/move_base.cpp E.g. here:

In there, search for any line like this: state_ = CLEARING;

You will see that move_base will invoke these behaviors on three conditions: An oscillation was discovered, no global plan was received for some amount of time, or the local planner failed to find a valid velocity command for some amount of time.

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Asked: 2012-06-29 00:54:18 -0500

Seen: 2,374 times

Last updated: Jun 29 '12