Carla Autoware multi machine setup with a custom map

asked 2021-04-20 11:51:51 -0500

Hi All,

I have built a custom map in Carla. Let's just say that name of the map is CUSTOM_MAP. I have the open-drive file say CUSTOM_MAP.xodr. Using pcl_recorder I have created the point cloud map of the CUSTOM_MAP.pcd. I used assuremappingtools to generate the map in lanelet2 format --CUSTOM_MAP.osm.

Now I want to connect Carla simulator with Autoware using Carla Autoware agent. I have two systems and my aim is to run Carla in one system and Autoware in another system and control the vehicle. Here are the details:

System 1: (For CARLA simulator)

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS version: Melodic
  • Graphics card: Nvidia GTX 1650
  • Carla 0.9.10 , Carla Ros bridge installed

System 2: (For Autoware)

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04

  • ROS version: Melodic

  • Graphics card: Nvidia RTX 3070

  • Autoware installed, carla autoware agent installed


  1. I would like to know how to add my custom map into the Autoware launch file?
  2. How to connect system 1 and system 2 so that I will have carla running in system1 and Autoware in system2?

Please point me towards the right documentation.

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