rtabmap icp_odometry.cpp:453::callbackCloud() fatal error.
Hello everyone,
I get a strange error that I did not get before, I formated my laptop and rebuilt rtabmap and now I get this error while i play the same bagfile with the same parameters.
[FATAL] (2021-05-01 17:59:54.099) icp_odometry.cpp:453::callbackCloud() Condition (pointCloudMsg->data.size() == pointCloudMsg->row_steppointCloudMsg->height) not met! [data=288222 row_step=0 height=1] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'UException' what(): [FATAL] (2021-05-01 17:59:54.099) icp_odometry.cpp:453::callbackCloud() Condition (pointCloudMsg->data.size() == pointCloudMsg->row_steppointCloudMsg->height) not met! [data=288222 row_step=0 height=1]
This is the error and the pointcloud2 was recorded from a rosbag record command and the topic was comming from the velodyne pointcloud package, any ideas??
Is there a package that you did not install when you rebuilt? Are there any other errors that occurred before the error in question, such as a node not being found and not starting?
This is a fatal error occurred for the same reason, explaining what actually changed.
I'm glad you were able to find the cause. For those who will follow, it would be good to include it in your answer and check it for resolution.