Amcl:No laser scan received
I'm using ROS Noetic on ubuntu 20.04 on an HP laptop. I made my own robot, and now I want to use ROS navigation stack to get it to move around autonomously.
I'm running the Gazebo simulator. Then I run move_base and amcl. However, I am getting the following warnings.
My Warinng :
[/r5/move_base]: Timed out waiting for transform from r5/base_footprint to r5/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame r5/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.101 timeout was 0.1.
[/r5/move_base]: Timed out waiting for transform from r5/base_footprint to r5/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame r5/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.101 timeout was 0.1.
[/r5/move_base]: Timed out waiting for transform from r5/base_footprint to r5/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame r5/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.104 timeout was 0.1.
[/r5/move_base]: Timed out waiting for transform from r5/base_footprint to r5/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame r5/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.1 timeout was 0.1.
[/r5/move_base]: Timed out waiting for transform f
Could you please copy-paste the actual warning text as well? For some reasons, I am not able to see the image.
You should pay close attention to parameters of the amcl, in especially:
If these parameters are good you should check move_base configuration