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How to simulate Imaging Forward Looking Sonar in Rviz

asked 2021-05-20 10:42:57 -0500

jenanaputra gravatar image

I am doing my project on ROS Melodic and trying to simulate my underwater robot using imaging FLS (Forward Looking Sonar) . But most of the references I have read use gazebo to simulate sonar, whereas I am working on Rviz. So, does anyone know how to simulate this type of sonar in RVIZ ? or does anyone know the mathematical model of this sonar ?

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answered 2021-05-20 11:14:04 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

But most of the references I have read use gazebo to simulate sonar, whereas I am working on Rviz

seeing most references only discussing Gazebo would make sense, as RViz is not a simulator.

You cannot really simulate anything in RViz, it's the Robot Vizualiser, which only visualises data streams going around in your ROS application. Without data, there is nothing to visualise.

For simulation, you'll want to use Gazebo, Webots, CoppeliaSim, etc.

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Asked: 2021-05-20 10:42:57 -0500

Seen: 230 times

Last updated: May 20 '21