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Looking for a USB camera with small field of view / high zoom

asked 2012-07-04 01:28:38 -0500

NsN gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:12:54 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I'm looking for a camera for computer vision that has a FOV of about 11°. To facilitate the design, it would be great if it could connect directly via USB to a computer running ROS.

However all the webcams I'm looking at have a FOV of 70°-120° and all the more advanced cameras either only have analog live output or firewire. I would like to avoid Firewire, since almost no small PC still suppports it.

Does anybody know of a usb camera with a small fov, exchangeable optics or hardware zoom?

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1 Answer

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answered 2012-07-04 06:53:52 -0500

mjcarroll gravatar image

I think that you may have good luck with the Point Grey Firefly MV. It's a fairly high quality camera, and it has exchangeable optics, using the CS or C mount for cameras.

I think that the CS mount lenses should be available from many places, as it is frequently used with security cameras.

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You could also look at the Point Grey Chameleon USB 2.0 cameras: . Note that those Point Grey USB cameras have good ROS camera driver support using the camera1394 driver, as they expose IIDC (firewire) camera interfaces over USB.

Eric Perko gravatar image Eric Perko  ( 2012-07-04 09:43:30 -0500 )edit

Those look great! Manual focus might be a bit annoying, but as long as we are flying at a set altitude, and considering the small sensor this should be easy to preset.

NsN gravatar image NsN  ( 2012-07-05 10:34:09 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-07-04 01:28:38 -0500

Seen: 2,796 times

Last updated: Jul 04 '12