Hello Anjulo,
Commands like catkin clean
rm -r build install
I think colon does not have any clean command. For that have a look at the below links.
https://answers.ros.org/question/3301... https://github.com/colcon/colcon-core...
catkin list
In addition, is it possible to build only certain packages in colcon?
colcon build --packages-select <name-of-pkg>
If you only want to build selected package from workspace:
colcon build --packages-select <name-of-pkg> <name-of-another-pkg>
I think this will help you. This is a good official user documentation: https://colcon.readthedocs.io/en/rele....
Moreover, You can also have a look at this documentation by Dirk Thomas: https://docplayer.net/207294236-Colco...