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I believe turtle_teleop_key.exe is infected with IDP.Generic

asked 2021-07-08 11:16:12 -0500

ninjaCoda20 gravatar image

updated 2021-07-09 02:00:03 -0500

I installed Galactic on Windows 10 yesterday following the instructions on

Today my AVG anti-virus has quarantined turtle_teleop_key.exe, saying it is infected with IDP.Generic. (I also think talker.exe has the same problem.) However, I see various reports on-line about "false positive" detection of this virus by AVG.

My AVG installation reports that it is up-to-date, as is my Windows installation. I have asked AVG to check the file, although I have not received an answer yet.

Is anyone able to check or confirm if this file is clean?

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-07-09 02:51:05 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2021-07-09 02:58:31 -0500

While it's impossible to prove a negative (ie: absolutely prove there is no infection), this is the result of submitting turtle_teleop_key.exe to Jotti's online scanner:

jotti's scanner result for turtle_teleop_key.exe

Note: this doesn't include AVG, so if there would be a false positive, this wouldn't show it.

It does include 15 other virus scanners though, and those all don't find anything.

Again: that's not proof there is nothing there, but given the fact that AVG is known to falsely detect IDP.Generic, it does seem to suggest AVG might be wrong here.

That's for turtle_teleop_key.exe (SHA-256: 6C8112FEFF2FF52B7D4108A8C93B3182A033AF00CA76D82D8F1EE1F94467289D) from (SHA-256 hash 8BF94E384A74A091F60793404ECF2736E4B955E916FEBF4C9BF7CB9511FC8E8C).

Edit: and here is the result for demo_nodes_cpp/talker.exe: result. In case it disappears: "found nothing".

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Many thanks for investigating that. I will keep a note of that website for the future. Sorry if I caused any alarm!

ninjaCoda20 gravatar image ninjaCoda20  ( 2021-07-09 03:58:09 -0500 )edit

No need to apologise for anything. It's actually really appreciated that you raise your concerns. If there was an infection, I'm sure we all would like to know about it.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-07-09 04:24:55 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-07-08 11:16:12 -0500

Seen: 112 times

Last updated: Jul 09 '21