ROS navigation with fixed distance ultrasound

asked 2021-07-17 18:45:18 -0500

Skhanna gravatar image

updated 2021-07-17 18:45:55 -0500

I have a robot I wish to utilize DWA to perform navigation with.

The robot has a LIDAR as well as front and back ultrasound sensors that are fixed distance.

I first setup navigation using LIDAR only and it is working great, but I am having a tough time adding the Ultrasound sensors.

I have them setup via the range_sensor_layer which appears to be OK, but with this layer added navigation isn't nearly as smooth.

If the Ultrasound sensors detect an object that the LIDAR is unable to detect, the robot stops, spins in circles for about 2 minutes, and turns a slight bit trying to evade the obstacle. However, the turn is not even close to big enough, and the robot ends up crashing into the obstacle, trying to go through.

If the LIDAR is able to detect the obstacle, the robot evades it well.

Any suggestions on what I can do to try to fix this issue? Thanks in advance!

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