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no such option --rosdep-install

asked 2012-07-09 07:56:43 -0500

yglee gravatar image

Hi all,

I am attempting to install the source code modifiable version of VSLAM. I need to run "rosmake --rosdep-install vslam_system" and it fails with this error yglee@yglee-VirtualBox:~/ros_workspace/VSLAMDIR$ rosmake --rosdep-install vslam_system Usage: rosmake [options] [PACKAGE]...

rosmake: error: no such option: --rosdep-install

I have rosdep downloaded via pip and easy_install (I tried both just incase). Does anyone know why rosmake doesn't find the option rosdep?



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1 Answer

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answered 2012-07-09 08:04:04 -0500

Internal use of rosdep inside rosmake was removed in ROS Fuerte (see REP 125)

You'll now have to use

rosdep install PACKAGE
rosmake PACKAGE
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Asked: 2012-07-09 07:56:43 -0500

Seen: 1,429 times

Last updated: Jul 09 '12