ROS1-ROS2 across different machines through ros1_bridge
Hi all,
My PC 1 which is going to be on physical robot, runs on ROS1 melodic. My workstation is on PC 2 which runs on ROS2 foxy.
From workstation, I output a set of velocity commands that robot needs to recieve. The problem is how to publish this message to PC 1 which is listening to the same topic but the nodes are running on ROS1. I know if it’s on the same machine ros1_bridge is capable to deal with this but since the nodes are running on different machines I am not sure if this is going to work. If anyone has experience with a same situation please do let me know. Many thanks !
Do you absolutely need to do this? It seems to me that it would be easier to run a VM on your workstation with Melodic thant trying to set up a bridge to relay controll commands.
because the robot in my hand has code base running on ROS1 and I don’t have source code to translate it ROS2. Also my navigation code is all built in ROS2. Do you think if I run VM, the topics running on the VM will be discoverable to actual machine ? I am not sure if it’s yes
Did you ever arrive at a solution for this? I am in a similar situation where I've got some ROS2 packages (Nvidia Isaac ROS) which requires ROS2 Humble, and some ROS1 packages (MAVROS) that i need to communicate with each other, however, I can't figure out a good way to install both ROS1 and ROS2 on ubuntu 22.04 (which is required for ROS2 Humble)