Intermittent subscription to a topic with/without timer possible?
It is really important for me to know this before I start any coding. Here is what I want:
1) A continuous stream of data is being published as a topic. (At frequency >= 50Hz).
2) I want to read from this stream, and write the data to a text file when a parameter in the parameter server is set. Whenever I take readings from the stream, I want data to be written to the file at 50Hz (this frequency is important. Cannot reduce this).
I made a node which is dedicated to publishing the topic for this data. I then tried subscribing to it at different time intervals. IT DOES NOT WORK. I got numerous suggestions from you guys (for which I am really thankful), but I am still stuck with my problem. I basically want to tap into the topic whenever I want, read data and write it to a text file, and then leave reading the topic till the next time I feel like writing to the file again. Never thought it would be so hard.
Anyway, I tried using [ delays (sleep(n) commands) and spinOnce() ] combinations in while loops but that did not work as well. I have a question here:
--> Does that mean, that a subscriber in ROS HAS to CONTINUOUSLY listen to the topic being published? What if I don't want to? What if I want to listen to a topic say, only when 'flag' is set to 1?
I then stumbled upon timers. Timers basically take a callback function, and execute that function every T seconds (where T is the time period). A clever way to publish a topic is then to use the publish() command in the timer callback. An even more clever way to exploit this structure, is to declare the callback function as a member function of your node class [ I got the above two 'clever ideas' from people who helped me out in previous related questions asked by me. Thanks!]. I have a question here:
--> What if my timer has time period say, 0.2 seconds, and my callback function requires 0.3 seconds to execute? What happens then? Is there some sort of queue where timer callbacks are lined up?
I am sorry if I am repeating stuff from previous questions, or if my questions sound too basic. It just bothers me that ROS being such an amazing platform, does not seem to have a simple solution to intermittent/'at will' subscription to a topic!
All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the patience to go through this post!